Wow! Can you believe it's already September? I am so excited for this month (and the rest that follow). August wasn't my month so much; although it is a month I needed. I faced so many challenges and obstacles, but I believe it was in that time that I collected myself, reevaluated my priorities, and regained self confidence. And I like to think that everything August prepared me for will show in September and the many days and years to follow.
So why am I so excited for September? Well aside from all the parties and festivities, I will begin Fall quarter, I am working out (and crossing my fingers, that by the end of this month results will show), and I just feel a new breeze of wonderful things to come. The weather has been nice and I have been having a lot of me time as well as family time.
Perhaps the reason why I'm so prepared and ready for fall to come is because I started off on the right foot. I woke up earlier than usual, got ready for the day, spent time with Allen before he went to work, passed by my mom's house, and came back home to do my daily workout and unplug. Yes! Just like my
One Good Deed a Day journal, I have bought yet another one. This Unplug Every Day journal is very similar except that a lot of those good deeds are for yourself. I am turning a new leaf and treating myself better by not stressing so much, loving myself more, and straying away from things and those who bring negativity into my life. I used this book this morning and just relaxed and reflected on what plans and goals I have for today and this month (baby steps). You can purchase this journal
here. I strongly encourage it, especially if you find yourself bringing stress home, not giving your surroundings attention, or simply want to better your life. There are so many fun and simple activities you can do for yourself, a partner, or stranger.

Throughout the Summer I was always found hiding behind a book. It mainly started when I began reading the Harry Potter series. Allen bought me the series collection and after every book we would watch the movie, and I would read another book before starting the next. Well this is where I am at. I am in the process starting Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but I have picked up three other's along the way. I must admit that I got carried away and buried myself due to me not wanting to read HP. Due to the fact that I know what will happen to Sirius', I don't think I am ready for it. He has always been one of my favorite characters and after reading the book, I just fell more in love with him that I rather delay the time. It's silly, but I am going to tackle this book by the end of the week.
I initially picked up Gone Girl, because I really wanted to understand both perspectives more. The way Gillian Flynn writes from Amy's perspective, honestly makes my heart sympathize. If you liked the movie, you will love the book.
I am a huge fan of YA, and The Improbably Theory of Ana & Zak, was one of those books I just picked up and purchased. It's quirky, fun, and an easy read. The book's cover reminded me of my sister who is a math major, and it was so hard to not relate her and Ana. So I think I automatically configured the characters to mesh it with my sister's life.
Lullabies by Lang Leav. One day I went through a poetry craze and purchased ten books on poetry and I'm glad I did. I started just by reading Allen a poem each night before we go to bed, but it was so hard to contain myself, that I soon began reading five pages, ten pages, and so on. Leav writes so beautifully, and whether in a relationship or not I think there is room for everyone to relate. She had me as soon as I read her dedication, it reads: "For Michael, I love you, I do- you have my word. You have all my words." Right! I can say so many things about her book, but I think you should
check it out yourself and share your thoughts with me :)
After so many requests, I do plan on sharing my current reading and books I'd recommend, but I am waiting for my library to further develop. I am trying to branch out from YA, so any recommendations would help. What are your favorite novels, authors, poems, and HP character?